Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Solstice

Today (Wednesday) marks the longest day of the year! That is a big deal up here because Alaskans who are here all winter have to deal with so much darkness in the winter months. But at this time of year everyone is used to daylight all of the time. I've gotten pretty used to no darkness, though it took a while to be ok with not having darkness as a cue to be tired and go to bed. I am tired enough every day from work and running that it isn't an issue to fall asleep.

To celebrate the solstice we are running in the Midnight Sun Run this Saturday in Fairbanks. It starts at 10 pm and there are over 3000 runners. It is a big deal every year and afterwards it is a big social event. To celebrate the solstice tonight we made a chocolate lava cake, yum! It was a great treat after a day of work. Once again, we experienced all types of weather in the field in the span of a few hours: started out in lots of layers because of rain, then it got sunny and super buggy, then windy and nice. Also, I soldered in the field for the second time - took a while but it was a success! And only burned myself once - some solder dropped from the iron onto my pants which really hurt and left a mark, but miraculously the pants didn't burn (thank you LL Bean)!

Here is the site for the Sun Run:

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